The Search for the Perfect Tree

Okay so I have to admit I’m still a country bumpkin at heart. One of the things I used to do with when I was young was climb trees in the park (I was a massive tom boy).

So after realsing the other day I am literally a 20 minute walk from Hampstead Heath (and Dirty Burger! OMG!) we went for a jolly round the park. In search of the renown ‘climbing tree’.



Take 1.

So the best climbing tree is suppose to be off the beaten track about halfway between Parliment Hill and Kenwood House.

However after being full on burgery goodness and starting in the bottom right corner of the park, the good intentions of getting this far into the park diminished rather quickly. So we found a broken one, climbed on it a bit (probably not the best time to be wearing my best Reiss word trousers) and wandered home.

it started getting dark, probably not the best thing with our combined lack of internal compass....

it started getting dark, probably not the best thing with our combined lack of internal compass….

Take 2.

So another Sunday I headed up solo, just to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and write my journal (and possibly read a trashy magazine, but it sounds all cultured to say write my journal).

Pretty scenic viewamondo

Pretty scenic viewamondo

This time I delved deeper into the woods off the track. But after a time got a bit bored. HOWEVER I did actually find some proper standing up climbable trees this time. So I chose my culprit…..

My culprit

My culprit

And up I went like a cat (or a sloth depending on who’s telling the story) to the upper branches (or about 5 ft from the ground, again who’s telling).

Good strong branches

Good branch spacing for optimum footholding

Dare I venture further?

Dare I venture further, or do I call the fire brigade?

Ties my bag on and lay back and relaxed. Well as relaxing as you can get sat in a hard tree, in the wind and errr the shade.

Bag secured

Bag secured

Okay so the idea was probably more serene than the execution, but I had a nice couple of hours writing and heckling passers by. Chasing squirrels, watching children with kites. Then I realsied I am not an 84 year old pensioner and headed home to do some extreme sports.

awww i miss my kite!

Awww i miss my kite!

Buuut one thing I know I will be back in search for the big ass tree, and I’m so gunna take some friends there for rounders when the sun finally decides to get its blimin’ hat on!

Untill we meet again Hampstead Heath.

London Love


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