London Chomping & Slurping Guide

Hey Guys!

We all love good nosh, so my chums and I have been scouring London to find the best places to chow down. We’re not picky where we try and very open minded. Variety is the spice of life right? Although I have a soft spot for dirty diners 🙂

So here is a list of where we’ve been on our travels, from chains to independent joints (I’ll try not to review the really obvious chains!).

I’ve split the reviews by location. Each restaurant has an overview, closest tube and like price per person so you can kinda get an idea and narrow down your search.. Then there is a link to an straight up review and a rating.

If anyone has a review/wants us to review somewhere don’t hesitate to email me!

Happy munching!

Central London

  • Flat Iron – STEAK! – under £20 per person.

Closest tube: Piccadilly circus/Oxford Street

  • Sarastro – Cypriot inspired Arabian Nights restaurant – Statrer and main ~£30 per person.

Closest tube: Covent Garden

  • Shake Shack – Frozen Custard dessert review – ~£6.50 pp

Closest tube: Covent Garden (Piccadilly line)

North London

  • Dirty Burger – What it says on the tin – £8 for burger and fries

Closest tube: Tufnell Park or Kentish Town.

East London

Closest train (Boxpark): Shoreditch High Street (overground)

Cloest tube (Brixton Branch): Brixton (Victoria line)


Hmm where to go today…..

One thought on “London Chomping & Slurping Guide

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