Shake Shack – Frozen custard. In my tummy. Now please.

Papa Glencross came a visiting on a blisteringly hot day and I needed to show him how I’ve become a hip Londoner and know all the cool (excuse the pun) places to go.

On a recommendation from @Hamburgerme I decided Shake Shack (@shakshackUK) in Covent Garden was to be the lunching port of call.

Shake Shack have flown over all the way from the US to share they renown dinery nosh and delicious desserts.

shakes and burgers in one logo? cool!

shakes and burgers in one logo? I’m sold.

However several reviews said the mains were good but not blow your head off fantastic, however their forte lay in desserts.

Frozen Custard desserts.

I was intrigued. I love custard. I love frozen food. Could this be a match made in heaven?

2013-07-10 11.08.55

Its Shake Shack time!

So we headed over to be greeted by a menu that covered burgers and hot dogs to beers and desserts. We were on a purely sweet escapade, and the dessert menu that greeted us looked like this……

Oh Merlins Beard!

Oh Merlins Beard!



SO much good stuff to choose from! I managed to rein in my terrible indecisiveness and ordered a Big Blend Concrete (double of course) which was choc & vanilla custard, sugared biscuits and hazelnut brownie. I also added extra malt (free of charge!). Dad went for a Drury Lane Jam, vanilla custard, real jam, sugared biscuits and banana. Each was £6.50 a pop.

We were not disappointed!

Oooey gooey goodness

Oooey gooey goodness

Oh my goodness. Okay so I am literally in love with Ben and Jerrys. I can eat it by the tubful. I have not found anything as of yet in the UK to rival it (Italy ice cream did, but that doesn’t count they are like crazy experts in iced confectionery).

Until now.


Nosh: Soft, but not too soft. Chocolatey, but not tooo chocolatey. Malty and delicious. Plus the added chunks of sugar biscuit and hazelnut brownie gave it great texture and crunch. A RESOUNDING 10/10

Dollar Dollar: Okay so and iced dessert at £6.50 is a little steep. However you got a big tub & it was totes amazeballs. Plus the add ins weren’t just stuck on top, there was loads and they were totally mixed in. SO well worth the money I’d say. 8.5/10

Vibe: We sat outside in the sun, and everyone else had the same idea. Inside was a bit empty for this reason, but inside it was bustling. The queuing was a bit higgledy piggledy but they sent you out with a buzzer to pick up your grub so it didn’t get too busy. 8/10

ordering station

Ordering station, look at that cheeky chap at the front posing 🙂

Team Cohesion: Service with a smile, free malt, took my dirty trays from outside and showed us where the loos were. Also they had two little helpers at the pick up desk distributing order 🙂 So pretty damn good I would say! 9/10

The two helper ladies

The two helper ladies


Shake Shack have found there niche in the fresh frozen yogurt market. I literally cannot wait for another one, I see them in my dreams. Milkshakes, cones, concretes they have really created  a new product with a familiar feel. Teaming this with the well known burgers & dogs allows them to stand out from increasing popular ‘diner’ crowd.

I’m sorry to say I may have commandeered a menu. But I swear the cost to Shake Shack will be recouped by the amount of chaps and chapesses (including my housemates who drooled on it) I send over to try their sweet sweet wares 🙂

Destination Cov G, Shake Shack

Shake Shack your desserts won my heart, next time savoury…..

London Love


Think Papa G enjoyed his, compensation for the derpy hat.....  :)

Think Papa G enjoyed his, compensation for the derpy hat….. 🙂

Shake Shack @shakeshackUK

24 Market Building, The Piazza

Covent Garden, WC2E 8RD

0207 240 0054

Monday – Saturday, 11:00 – 23:00

Sunday, 11:00 – 22:30

Full Menu Can be found here.

No reservations.

X marks the spot!

X marks the spot!

#frozencustard, #desserts, #shakeshackUK #coventgarden, #Hamburgerme, #diner, #sunny, #sun, #eating

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