How not to get a job in the dancing industry……

I was telling my housemate this story the other day and it made her laugh, so I thought I’d share 🙂

Okay, I can’t dance, period. It’s not that I don’t LIKE dancing, it’s just I lack any sort of coordination and rhythm that is required to dance. My arms are just too long. I have accepted this, embraced my inner grannie/olive oyl (popeye) boogie and moved on.

ahhh brings back childhood memories...

Me hitting the town as my alter ego ‘olive oyl’ (nickname in school)

However modelling requires attending castings, they could be commercials, campaigns, mag/TV ads, MUSIC VIDEOS (you can see where this is going), shows, anything that requires a person really! You have to go to loads as competition is well stiff, and sometimes the briefs are a little obscure.

So one day I trotted over to Shoreditch for my last post of the day. I’d had about 4 that day, so paid attention to the location rather than the brief. As I entered the building I saw quite a crowd of quite eclectic guys and gals waiting, happy not to be surrounded totally by girls that have legs up to their armpits and look like Heidi Klum (at least it makes you brush your hair and put on make-up in the morning 🙂 I grabbed my signing in form and sat next to a girl I knew.

Looking down at the form I stated filling in my details. Wait a sec, any previous TV experience? Oh Total Wipeout! Oh no, have you been in a music vid before? Erm not unless my drunken Coyote Ugly birthday dancing leaked onto youtube…..

This is what I look like in my head....

What I look like in my head….

a picture of me not even in fancy dress, honest....


I pondered for a little while, then tiptoed over to the lady in charge for a quick word…..

“Umm I’m really sorry to bother you, but I’m not a dancer, as in I really really cannot dance” (In my sweetest ‘I’m really sorry’ voice)

“Oh don’t worry, we are hiring dancers and models”


“don’t worry you’ll be fine”

So off I skulked back to my seat. This wasn’t going to be pretty…..

They called our group and we lined up and filed in dragging our feet (or just me then?), to add insult to injury we were preceded by an amazing guys dance troupe.

In we went, teamed with my mate, a dancer girl and a electric guitar guy with a fro comb stuck in his hair. What a motely crew we were. It turned out we were auditioning for James Arther’s new video!

So after an awkward conversation with the hirers (a girl in our group and one of the judges had history, awk….) all the guy said to us was…..

“Pretend you’re at a street festival, you can dance if you like. Go.”


After an agonising minute I piped up….

“Umm is there going to be any music?”

SO Mr. Arther’s new song kicked in.

It was carnage.

I think they were looking for sexy and chic.

I gave them disorientated and elderly. Here were some of my staple moves….

The ‘arm swing in time with legs’

lets do this!

lets do this!

The ‘Florentine clap’….

A good time filler

A good time filler

and the ‘point finger in opposite direction and wave them about’ bad boy….

sorry could only find the beibs

sorry could only find the Beibs

oh and a dollop of…….



Haha no I lie, I didn’t twerk, still have a cut off point!

OH and to add insult to injury, I was asked to move because I was in the way of the camera :S

I can safely say I didn’t get the job and you won’t be seeing me on James new video. However it was an experience to say the least, next time I may read the casting call a bit better…….

ooohhh so sad this could have been me..... :)

ooohhh so sad this could have been me….. 🙂

It seems the closest I’ll ever get to being in a music video is here…..

All good fun!!

London Love


p.s Prepare for next time, when I auditioned for the M&S crimbo TV ad, you had to pretend you were at a feast but in reality no one else was there……….
